home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- on startMovie
- global gForceCleanInstall, gInstalLib, kInstallLibraryPath
- set gForceCleanInstall to 0
- set kInstallLibraryPath to ":files:InstallerLib"
- OpenLibrary(kInstallLibraryPath)
- put EMPTY into field "ProgressInfo"
- set the scrollTop of member "SoftLicense" to 1
- set the exitLock to 1
- set the keyDownScript to "checkKey"
- end
- on stopMovie
- global kInstallLibraryPath
- put EMPTY into field "ProgressInfo"
- CloseLibrary(kInstallLibraryPath)
- end
- on checkKey
- if the commandDown and (the key = "q") then
- nothing()
- end if
- end
- on OpenLibrary libPathName
- global gInstalLib
- openXLib(libPathName)
- OSRegister(1017782846, 2044049700)
- end
- on CloseLibrary libPathName
- global gInstalLib
- set gInstalLib to 0
- closeXLib(libPathName)
- end
- on DoInstallAll
- global gForceCleanInstall
- set kExtensionFolderType to "extn"
- set kPreferencesFolderType to "pref"
- set kSrcFolder to ":files:"
- set kFileName to "Inklination FineArt 3D"
- set kPrefFileName to "Inklination FA3D Prefs"
- set extFolder to OSSpecialPath(kExtensionFolderType)
- DeleteExisting(extFolder, kFileName)
- InstallFile(kSrcFolder, extFolder, kFileName)
- if gForceCleanInstall then
- set prefFolder to OSSpecialPath(kPreferencesFolderType)
- DeleteExisting(prefFolder, kPrefFileName)
- end if
- end
- on DeleteExisting folderPath, fileName
- set path to FormatFolderPath(folderPath)
- set path to path & fileName
- set result to OSDelete(path)
- end
- on InstallFile srcFolder, dstFolder, fileName
- set SrcPath to FormatFolderPath(srcFolder)
- set SrcPath to SrcPath & fileName
- set DstPath to FormatFolderPath(dstFolder)
- set DstPath to DstPath & fileName
- set result to OSFileCopy(SrcPath, DstPath)
- put " • Inklination FineArt 3D in the Extensions folder" & RETURN after field "ProgressInfo"
- end
- on FormatFolderPath folderPath
- if folderPath <> EMPTY then
- if the last char in folderPath <> ":" then
- set folderPath to folderPath & ":"
- end if
- end if
- return folderPath
- end